Saturday, September 6, 2008
this fall make your choice known.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Here we go, my first post on a blog. It goes without saying that before I continue writing, I must make one of the most crucial decisions as a first time blogger. It will be one that will affect readers from now until their eyeballs fall out. This is a decision so important that the slightest error in judgment could potentially lead this blog to the Promise Land of Doom. And that decision is…the title of the blog.
Now I can think of a few solutions off the top of my head. The first solution is coming up with a clever pun involving my name. An example of this would be something like:
“Roses are Jared, Violets are Blog”
But unfortunately, my name doesn’t rhyme with very much, so I’m probably not going to do that.
My other solution would be to come up with a name that explains the theme of the blog. Since this blog would be the presentation of two views on the same topic, I thought of something like, “Separate, but Equal”. Of course, I realize that this phrase is synonymous with racism, so I’m backing away from that option as well.
But now, having exhausted all my options, what do I do? Could I just leave it untitled? No thanks, that’s something poets do. But why is coming up with the title so important? It’s not like a blog is judged by its title. In fact, once the title is set, it’s pretty much the writing that brings people back. So I think back to why I’m writing this blog in the first place: I want to make people laugh. And thus, I can care less what the title is, as long as it’s all for humor’s sake.
Naming things.
A: "What do you wanna call it?"
B: "i dunno..."
A: "well do you have any ideas?"
B: "... how about sparky?"
A: "you wanna name our son sparky?!"
we've all been there...thinking sparky is a good name for our sons... but in the end we realize what a poor poor life that little man is going to have if that was his name.
there is so much in a name. the name is like the first impression ... no its more like the zeroeth impression because everyone thinks about how that person is by their name (even if we dont know it or wont admit it) and when we meet them THEN we get the first impression.
Q: "hi have you met, sparky?"
R: "hi nice to meet you."
Sparky: "Hi ... rasputin, right? You know I didnt quite expect you to be chinese."
anyway, i think my point is clear. names are unnecessary.